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Heracleum Storage Box Classic B2B

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38,9 x 31,3 x 20,6 cm
36,9 x 30 x 20 cm / capacity: 22 liters
555 grams
FSC-certified corrugated fiberboard. Fully recyclable.
Designed and produced in the Netherlands.
Individually packaged in a cardboard designer box.
Heracleum Storage Box Classic B2B

Go ‘Back to Nature’ and Let the Heracleum Storage Bin Classic Bloom in Your Home.


Carefree Enjoyment

The Heracleum Storage Bin Classic features the hogweed as its central theme. Hogweed belongs to the umbellifer family and is a weed often found in roadside verges or meadows. Normally, the plant is avoided because its leaves can cause an allergic reaction. However, you can enjoy the blooming hogweed on the Classic box from Dutch Design Brand without worry, as this variant is hypoallergenic and does not sting! The Classic box is both rugged and rural and fits perfectly with the botanical trend of the moment. Whatever you use the Classic box for, one thing is certain: your items will now be stored quickly and stylishly.


Mix and Match the Heracleum Storage Bin!

Extra fun: mix and match this print with one of these other botanical prints.


Sustainable Dutch Product

The Dutch Design Storage Box Classic is made of FSC certified cardboard and is fully produced in the Netherlands. The Storage Box Classic is very sturdy and user-friendly since the lid is attached to the box.

Heracleum Storage Box Classic B2B


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